Johnstown, PA (June 1, 2021) –
The Cambria County Health and Welfare Council has awarded two $500 scholarships to individuals residing in Cambria County who have been accepted to attend a post-secondary institution in Cambria County with the goal of receiving a certificate, associate's degree, or bachelor's degree in a human service field.
Ty Mallin is graduating from Blacklick Valley going to St. Francis for Psychology. He has a passion for the field of psychology and to help others who suffer from mental health. In his essay, Ty wrote, “My mental health has definitely played a direct role in my passion for psychology. In the future, I want to help others who suffer from mental health disorders. By attending Saint Francis University, I plan to do great things in my field and hope to help others who struggle in similar ways.”
Cameron Pennington is graduating from Greater Johnstown HS going to Penn Highlands for Social Work. He has goals to help needy children right here in Cambria County, to not have to face the same struggles that he has had to. In his essay, he wrote “I do not want children to grow up with abuse being normalized for them; I do not want children to go to bed hungry and love-starved, wondering when things will ever go right for them. No child deserves to live like that, and I want to help prevent that from ever happening.”
This scholarship was created by the Scholarship Committee of the Cambria County Health and Welfare Council when the Council identified a need to support those entering the human service field. The scholarship was made available to high school students as well as non-traditional students who may be considering a career change or re-entering the workforce.
“We are so excited to be able to offer these scholarships to students in Cambria county for the first-time and hope to continue to do so for years to come. As human service professionals of many different backgrounds, we see and know the importance of investing in our community and in the lives of those we serve.” – Jocelyn Hartman
These scholarships are awarded through a fund at the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies. For questions regarding the scholarship or to donate to the fund, please contact Marisa Lehman at 814-225-1266 or
Pictured: Chelsey Novak and Jocelyn Hartman (Cambria County Health and Welfare Council Executive Committee members) presenting Cameron Pennington from Greater Johnstown High School this year’s scholarship on June 1st, 2021 at the high school.